The Judita DaSilva Show
“Judita DaSilva”, is a television talk show about individuals of African origin, who are pioneers beyond their African roots to the UK, USA and around the world. The program journals the lives of unique African personalities in the diaspora and gives a retrospective biopic of the lives of these “Ordinary people doing Extraordinary things”.
The show was created, by producer Judita, to inspire African people by showing them the incredible achievements that come by way of hard work and especially education. Each Season of the program gives viewers a holistic view of the trans-Atlantic achievements of African trail blazers. Viewers get to see that all the guests on the program came from similar parts of Africa to them and what they all have in common is how hard work and education brought them success.
Each episode of the show is an hour long and a single guest has a one-on-one interview with the eponymous host, Judita DaSilva, and they get to tell their personal and professional life story in their own way and in their own words!
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